Best place to live in North Wales!
The Community Council manage the Old St Peter’s Churchyard (OSP) in partnership with the Church in Wales (CinW) – both parties regard its place in Llanbedr’s social history worth preserving for future generations.
The Council have a dedicated group of volunteers who regularly mow the Churchyard. Part of the management plan is to leave 60% of the area to go wild promoting wildflower growth, this also reduces the amount of time volunteers need to spend grass cutting. Each autumn the whole area is cut and all the vegetation is collected, over time this will reduce the nutrient levels in the soil helping wildflowers compete with the more aggressive grasses.
Once a year the CinW architect visits the the Churchyard to assess the building structure, also to monitor the management plans progress. Part of the informal agreement with the CinW is, if there is beginning to be areas of the structure that are showing weather damage, then action is taken to rectify the damage, before it becomes a major problem. This involves developing an action plan and funding, but if we try hard enough, we will succeed in finding the money.
In preparation for the architect’s visit, the Churchyard has been mowed, weeded, furniture cleaned and stained, gates painted, steps and pathways cut and cleaned. See pictures below. The architect will visit on Friday 2nd August with his report to follow shortly.
To everyone reading this report come and see this beautiful place of social history here in the best place to live in North Wales!!